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Freeze your forebodings on hypothermia:


As you tremble at the bottom of a cavernous crevasse, frigid fear melts to boundless warmth. Suddenly, you teeter sweetly on the precipice of life and death, swinging as your spirit sleepily slips into salvation.


Extinguish your birthday fantasies:


Encircled by intimate silhouettes cast in marigold candlelight, you enthusiastically lean towards the cake. Instantly, a four-year-old toddler bedazzled in pink gets her cake and eats it too.

Literally. She pulverizes the pastry by marring the icing like a batty raccoon.


Welcome to this multivalent haven where dichotomy dies, where pennies possess no sides at all. I’ve always had a knack for discovering mellifluous tunes in macabre melodies, embedded anguish in ostensible optimism, and intriguing intensity in quotidian commutes, chores, and routines. Here, sinuous streams of sorrow trickle through blackened crags, interweaving rapturous rivers running across verdant gardens. Here, a banal daytrip to the mall, two sluggish minutes spent washing underwear, or an unremarkable hour at a pizza shop can morph into unforgettable, visceral experiences. Watch as opposites meet and merge, eventually becoming indistinguishable.


This is my world, where my respect for nuance translates to solemn acknowledgement towards the varied facets of perceived life. As I journey onwards, adding to this collection, I will continue spinning beauty into agony, darkness into light, the incredible into the insipid, and finally reveal that perspective is ultimately the only part that matters.

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